2010年10月13日 星期三

Pencil Vs Camera

網路轉寄而發現的,出生在象牙海岸成長於比利時布魯塞爾的設計師Ben Heine的最新系列作品,“Pencil Vs Camera 鉛筆大戰相機“,光看影像已經很有趣,而看到他在訪問中對自己創作的說明後,更是覺得妙趣無窮:

"The photos and drawings always come from my own stock/production. I somehow consider the surface of the image as a battle between drawing and photography and the tools of this fight are my « pencil » and my « camera ». So I usually choose photos with a striking subject and a specific action. It can also be nice to use a background scenery with a very simple or low semantic effect and make everything happen inside the small piece of paper."

一開始的作品只是單純的以鉛筆素描掩蓋相片中的部份真實,有如我們每天日常生活中的突發奇想白目夢,偷偷的從頭上冒出來置換無聊與無奈(Pencil Vs Camera 7);但創作演變到後來,終於還是踏入虛實不分,真真假假的世界(Drawing Vs Drawing)。

再看看Ben Heine另段說明:

"I noticed that representing a strong perspective on the paper (for instance in Pencil Vs Camera 4 or 8 gives a good illusion and generates a nice visual impact when it matches the main lines of the background scenery. It is very exciting for the viewer to ignore what’s really behind the paper. It is clear for me that it really is the battle between drawing and photography that is the whole message and purpose of the series."


Ben Heine還有新的系列作品“Digital Circlism",我也很喜歡,說不出什麼太深奧的大道理,只是單純對於“開創另一種角度“這件事有偏好。

