我其實沒看過珍珠港 Pearl Harbour,所以我沒什麼立場攻擊這部電影,而班艾佛列克 Ben Efflect的電影除了紅了麥特戴蒙 Matt Damon沒紅到他的心靈捕手 Good Will Hunting,就電視上無意間看過記憶裂痕 Paycheck ,還有紐澤西愛未眠 Jersey Girl ,前者雖然說評價不高,但菲利普‧狄克 Philip K. Dick的真實/虛假架構還是讓這改編後的電影可以吸引人往下看(而且我喜歡烏瑪舒曼 Uma Thurman,只是她現在…),後者…雖然我忘了大部份的內容,但就是個不裝模作樣的簡單溫暖小故事,不是什麼超級鉅片,但也不會讓人覺得受騙(畢竟我也只是看免錢的HBO啊)。
(咦…原來小班還演過他其實沒那麼喜歡你 He's Just Not That Into You啊?他究竟演了誰?)
反正,總之,那天在看了小班的最新力作竊盜城 The Town之後,我突然想到就在不久前,又是一個無意間在HBO看到美國賤隊:世界警察 Team Amrica:World Police,裡頭有一首歌叫 Pearl Harbour sucked,也提到了小布:
I miss you more then Michael Bay missed the mark
When he made Pearl Harbor
I miss you more than that movie missed the point
And that's an awful lot girl
And now, now you've gone away
And all I'm trying to say is
Pearl Harbor sucked, and I miss you
I need u like Ben Affleck needs acting school
He was terrible in that film
I need u like Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part
He's way better than Ben Affleck
And now all I can think about is your smile
and that shitty movie too
Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you
Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?
I guess Pearl Harbor sucked
Just a little bit more than I miss you
See! 萬事都有sign,早該相信人家的。
2011年1月6日 星期四
張貼留言 (Atom)
那是只看他的演員表現,我覺得他做導演還不錯,除了這次的竊盜城,特別推薦之前的Gone BABY GONE(失蹤人口),這個部份麥特戴蒙...